Iowa City’s Hidden Gems: Study Spots to Explore this Semester

Slipping on ice hidden beneath snow banks that reach almost up to our knees. Biting wind that leaves our cheeks pink and our fingers stiff. Even though they call it “Spring” semester, we all find ourselves in the thick of winter, eyes squinted against fast flying flakes. Before we can shed our jackets and boots … Read moreIowa City’s Hidden Gems: Study Spots to Explore this Semester

How to Be Drunk and Alone: A Guide to Independence and Dive Bars

After reaching the coveted 21st year of my life, I realized my unnecessary craving to shamelessly drink Hawkeye vodka, get sweat on by strangers at overcrowded bars and spend the entire next day drinking Gatorade in bed has come to a much-needed end (more-or-less). Most nights I return home from work or class exhausted and … Read moreHow to Be Drunk and Alone: A Guide to Independence and Dive Bars