Reader’s Block: 5 Reasons Why Your Love of Literature Has Faded

Ever wondered why you can never get past the first 15 pages of a book? Or why websites like SparkNotes even exist? Or why your high school and college classes assign five freakin’ books to read each semester for each class? I’ll tell you why. Literature is dying, and the world is trying to save … Read moreReader’s Block: 5 Reasons Why Your Love of Literature Has Faded

How to Make Your Own Skincare Products: Lip Scrub

That lipstick you wore last night may look good now, but if it’s still on your lips in the morning… things can get messy. To help you out, here are two natural lip scrub recipes that will remove any lipstick lingering by the end of the night while also removing dead skin, making your lips extraordinarily … Read moreHow to Make Your Own Skincare Products: Lip Scrub

How to Make Your Own Skincare Products: Facial Cleansers

The movement toward natural beauty has been empowering women to practice self care using natural beauty products for quite some time. Similar to many of these women, I became tired of plastic-based beauty products clogging my pores and being harsh on my skin. So, finally, I took the role of a cosmetic chemist—that is, if a cosmetic … Read moreHow to Make Your Own Skincare Products: Facial Cleansers

You Don’t Have to Be “Beautiful” to Be Beautiful

I’m not beautiful. Maybe you’re not either. Should it matter? This might seem to contradict everything you’ve ever learned about body positivity and self-love. But for me, it’s the only message that ever genuinely helped me appreciate myself for who I am without feeling like I needed to focus on society’s physical beauty standards. It helped … Read moreYou Don’t Have to Be “Beautiful” to Be Beautiful

How Not to Lose All of Your $$$ Renting in College

If you’ve rented before, you’re probably no stranger to losing a security deposit, unexpected visits from maintenance, faulty appliances, and being left feeling like you didn’t quite get what you paid for. And if you aren’t… Can I have the number of your landlord? Luckily, it doesn’t have to be so bad IF you do your … Read moreHow Not to Lose All of Your $$$ Renting in College

5 Podcasts Every Millennial Woman Needs to Subscribe to

I’d like to think that I was on the whole podcast train before it was the cool thing to listen to… But instead, I’m going to own being basic because I’ve learned it’s what I’m best at. If you haven’t joined the bandwagon yet, then what are you waiting for? Let me sum up my love for … Read more5 Podcasts Every Millennial Woman Needs to Subscribe to