An Ode to Kim Kardashian and the Women Who Dare to Show it All

Kim K—you either love her or you hate her. Either way, you can’t help but fascinate over the girl who turned a sex-tape into a $50+ million empire.

If you hate her, you most likely don’t understand her. You might even think she’s a vulgar fame—whoring talentless piece of trash—shout out to an anonymous user on Reddit for that one.

And if you love her, you most likely watch her show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Chances are, you’ve watched it for years and understand the struggles that she’s been through. I imagine not many of us could pull ourselves up by our bootstraps after the death of a father, a leaked porno, divorce(s), and even being bound and gagged in a hotel bathtub as robbers make off with a $4.5 million engagement ring.

Those who argue that Kim has no talent, I’ll give it to you. In the traditional sense of the word, you’re absolutely right. She can’t sing, act, dance, excel at a certain sport, or anything of that nature. However, she has a unique ability to be open and vulnerable to millions of people around the world, no questions asked.

The way that much of the world sees Kim is how she presents herself online. Her social media presence is undeniable: she’s the 7th most followed person on Instagram, reaching upwards of 104 million followers. Most of her photos are *shockingly* bare.

Her willingness to show it all is a deeper reflection of herself. She’s willing to show her body, something women are often scrutinized and defined by, to everyone and anyone. And let’s remember, she doesn’t have the typical model figure. In fact, the tabloids often rip her apart and body shame her constantly. Kim also does a great job of baring her soul to viewers of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, as she tackles her own personal issues from insecurity to infertility. Her messages often remind us that we’re not alone.

Something we should strive not to do: Equating sexuality/nudity with being a *bad person.*

After all, walk into any church. I personally guarantee you’ll see hundreds of naked men, ladies, and even babies!

This idea perpetuates a notion that our bodies are wrong. That what we have and who we are is not good enough or is not natural. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies. Fortunately, the subject of body image and body positivity has gotten lots of attention in recent years. But… are we talking about it the right way?

It’s easy to talk about the fact that nearly none of us look like the models that you see in magazines or on billboards in big cities. However, it gets a little trickier to define the line between being outright ostentatious vs. being proud of what you look like and where you are in your physical journey.

The idea that we MUST hide ourselves, our feelings, and our bodies is dangerous, because it takes away an outlet to celebrate yourself. And there is no shaming in loving who you are and the skin that you’re in.

So, thank you Kim K. Thank you for reminding women that our bodies are art and our bodies are ours to do with whatever we want and live the way that brings us the most happiness to ourselves and the ones that we love.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
 – Buddha (and probably Kim Kardashian)

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