Van Gogh’s Catharsis through Art

Throughout his life, Vincent Van Gogh was plagued by many mental illnesses that affected his ability to function in the real world. His art was a frequent escape that quickly became an incentive to survive. His major pieces such as Poet’s Garden, Starry Night, and Wheatfield with Crows all capture deep truths about the human … Read moreVan Gogh’s Catharsis through Art

The Renewed Importance of Persepolis Amid Iranian Protests

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi is an autobiographical comic book that follows the journey of its author, Marjane, as she grows up in Iran during the Islamic revolution in the 80s and 90s. The book is now more important than ever as the current human rights protests in Iran remind us that the people of Iran are still fighting for their rights and humanity, just as Marjane did 40 years ago.

FALL: Comfort amongst change

Fall is a season that’s the backdrop of many songs, movies, celebrations, and memories which we hold incredibly dear to us. So of course it deserves to be written about as well. Now that it’s made its annual visit into our lives of course I mulled over it as deeply as I could and tried to bring its cold crisp feeling to the surface.