The Effects of Chronic, Comorbid Medical and Mental Health Issues

“Have you…thought about going to the ER?” I had, and I wasn’t doing it. Even though I could barely breathe at the time, I refused to go there ever again. After hearing that question, all I could do was cry and repeat to myself, “I can’t go back there again.” The effects chronic medical issues … Read moreThe Effects of Chronic, Comorbid Medical and Mental Health Issues

The Science Behind the Suffering

Pulling out both his business card and his Indian Blood Certificate of Degree from his worn wallet, it is obvious to me that Joe D. Coulter holds two of his identities close to heart. Coulter, a professor emeritus at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, is actively involved with human rights advocacy for … Read moreThe Science Behind the Suffering

The Bell Jar: A Truly {Modern} Classic

A “modern classic.” Over the course of our scholarly careers, we’ve heard of this type of book over and over again, and yet the idea of a modern classic means something different to each reader. Some of us think of books we had to force ourselves to read in high school or gen ed classes, … Read moreThe Bell Jar: A Truly {Modern} Classic

Thoughts While Walking Around Campus but with GIFS

“Always take the road less traveled.” – someone much older and wiser than I. The past 2.5 years of college have given me plenty of time to ponder my crazy, beautiful, messed up life. I usually find myself doing most of my thinking while I’m walking to class and observing the world around me. However, the … Read moreThoughts While Walking Around Campus but with GIFS

My Welcome Withdrawal from Generation C: Can Caffeine Aggravate Mental Illness?

The generation of people aged 18-34 are ever more creative, connected, and especially caffeinated. However, when the caffeine consumption began creating issues in my everyday life, I realized something needed to change. “Hi, can I get a grande blonde roast?” “A tall mocha?” “Venti caramel macchiato, please.” Everyday, more than four million coffee drinks are … Read moreMy Welcome Withdrawal from Generation C: Can Caffeine Aggravate Mental Illness?