Love is walking 4 miles

Valentine’s Day is once a year, but with a love like Richard and Gail Sabo love is in the air every day. Coming up on their 66th anniversary, Richard Sabo recalls what it means to be in love and how it’s changed his life forever. For him, true love never fades when you treat every day like it’s the first time you fell for your other half.

‘Tis the Season to Break Up

You’ve just arrived home for Fall break and your loved ones are greeting you. They help take your luggage in and give you hugs. They ask about your travels. They ask about the homework you finished last night. They don’t ask you about your ex though. They’ve tactfully avoided that question. They don’t look to … Read more‘Tis the Season to Break Up

The Bold Type: The Feminist Millennial Show We Need

The Bold Type is a must-see for all women. Especially, if you’re looking for a show with fresh topics, diversity, humor, and depictions of healthy relationships. This show is an amazing representation of what it’s like to be a young professional woman in the workforce navigating every facet of life. The third season is set to … Read moreThe Bold Type: The Feminist Millennial Show We Need

A New Outlook On Second Chances

They say miracles aren’t possible—that they’re a cliché only found in the movies. People may say that miracles aren’t attainable in real life, and if you believe in them then you’re oblivious to the real world. Although I was skeptical of those ideas for countless years, I had a realization. Miracles don’t manifest the ways we … Read moreA New Outlook On Second Chances

Who’s That Girl?

It would be impossible to count how many times my friends or I have said the words, “I don’t want to be that girl.”  This is the unwritten rule among girls to avoid exhibiting certain qualities, specifically directed at boys. “That girl” is needy, clingy, demanding, whiny, and overdramatic. Guys supposedly hate her and girls … Read moreWho’s That Girl?

The Importance of a Breakup Playlist

I recently went through a messy breakup. The details aren’t important, and you honestly don’t care. That’s how I felt about most breakup songs that I heard on the radio as well—I didn’t care. That was until I went through a breakup myself, and then it all made sense. I always found breakup songs to … Read moreThe Importance of a Breakup Playlist

Twenty-One Pilots: My Musical Homecoming

As yellow petals rain down through flashing lights and wild applause, eight words renew the audience’s exhilarated screams: “We are Twenty-One Pilots, and so are you.” These words probably don’t mean anything to most people, but for me, they mean that I’m right where I’m supposed to be—that even though the long-anticipated concert is over, … Read moreTwenty-One Pilots: My Musical Homecoming